liumsoft gets King’d: Releases a new King’s Corners Game for iPhone

Author: Khate // Category: , ,


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Sorry folks, you’re not going to get a full review out me on this one on opening day, but I can tell you I had a chance to spend sometime with King’s Corners during the beta period, and its actually quite a bit of fun. Now, this is not a game you’re going to spend hours and hours straight playing (maybe)… its one you’re going to find you spend a lot of time playing in small time segments like when you’re waiting for your doctor, or a friend. It’s the perfect time waster game where you only have a couple minutes between events. Anyway the game is out now, retails at 99 cents (iTunes), and frankly is well worth the buck!

From the website:

Long lines? Waiting rooms? A missing waitress? They all leave frustrating gaps in your day. Don’t get upset - get Kings Corners and fill the gaps!
Kings Corners is a great new solitaire game from Ilium Software, available for your iPhone™ or iPod® touch.
Can you fill all the face card slots before you run out of space? Or will you paint yourself into a corner? Kings Corners is easy to learn but challenging to master. It offers an exciting mix of both chance and skill.

Check it out on the King’s Corners page at Iliumsoft

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